How our courses work:


As soon as you purchase your package you may book your classes using our online booking system and you will be sent access to the eLearning platform.


Either in person at our Manchester offices or online via our virtual classroom you will focus on the areas you and your teacher have chosen from our courses.


Your teacher provides you an IELTS score using the CEFR table as a basis, based on the course chosen.


This helps you to concentrate on your weak points and learn faster.


The previous stages up to the point at which you are confident of attaining the IELTS score you desire.

Our Courses

Academic Speaking Course

Benefits of our Academic Speaking Course include:

  • Genuine IELTS speaking test course
  • Express opinions and appraise benefits and drawbacks
  • Examine cause and effect relationships and boost topic based vocabulary along with the use of idioms and expressions within context
  • Practise pronunciation, sentence stress, rhythm and intonation

Your teacher will

  • Provide thorough preparation for the IELTS speaking test
  • Give regular feedback on your expected IELTS score as you progress
  • Enhance your confidence and fluency
  • Recommend extra speaking practicethat can be done in your own time through our eLearning platform

Academic Writing Course

Benefits of our Academic Writing Course include:

  • Understand the different types of questions in each part of the test
  • Learn how to plan your time effectively during the test
  • How to structure your writing in a logical manner and how to develop and connect ideas
  • Receive marked homework completed in our eLearning platform and get feedback in each class

Your teacher will …

  • Give you a full understanding of the IELTS writing test
  • Provide you with authentic course tests to boost your confidence
  • Give you appraisal on your writing skills so you can track your progress and focus on any areas of weakness
  • Recommend particular writing areas to concentrate on using our eLearning platform

Academic Listening Course

You will learn to …

  • Do genuine practice listening tests
  • Listen for specific information and listen for gist
  • Guess content with the help of visual clues
  • Deal with parallel phrases

Your teacher will …

  • Provide full preparation for the IELTS listening test utilising the full potential of our eLearning platform
  • Provide assistance to overcome particular problems
  • Enhance your listening skills
  • Improve your overall technique for the listening test

Academic Reading Course

You will learn to …

  • Apply your reading skills, such as surveying, skimming and scanning
  • Utilise clues from headings, recognise key ideas within paragraphs, recognise opinion, establish information, comprehend meaning
  • Identify and comprehend language that links concepts and identify unfamiliar words from the context
  • Do genuine IELTS reading tests on our eLearning platform

Your teacher will …

  • Provide full preparation for the IELTS reading test
  • Provide assistance to overcome particular problems
  • Enhance your reading skills
  • Teach you how to manage your time efficiently under test conditions
  • Recommend extra speaking practicethat can be done in your own time through our eLearning platform

Academic Tailor-Made Course

What is the Academic Tailor-Made Course ?

This course provides an overall analysis of your skills needs within IETLS and your teacher will evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in all areas. This course is perfect for the student who is unsure of which particular areas they need to focus on.

Your teacher will

  • Assess your scores within the four skills and the best ways to improve them
  • Evaluate your current IELTS strengths and weaknesses
  • Provide recommendations and direction on your speaking, writing, reading and listening, and how to advance your IELTS exam method
  • Recommend particular areas to concentrate on using our eLearning platform
  • Advise you on when you are ready to sit the IELTS test